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    Detailed political map of the world


    ЗАПРОС ОРИГИНАЛА КАРТЫ (1 map) ФОРМАТ · Скриншот · Написать автору · Заказать доработку карты · Последнее обновление карты: 22.Июня.2022, 16:42 · Просмотров: 7371 · Рейтинг карты: 6667

    Detailed political map of the world

    The political map remains dynamic, and its formation continues.

    The modern political map of the world covers about 240 states and dependent territories. The number of sovereign states in the XX century was constantly growing. Now there are officially 193 of them. In addition, Taiwan is actually an independent country, although according to the constitution of China it is considered a province of this state.
    In addition to sovereign states, there are more than 40 dependent territories in the world with different political status. Mostly these are small island possessions. Dependent territories are the United Kingdom (in particular Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands, Bermuda, St. Helena), France (French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Guiana), the United States (Puerto Rico and some other islands in the Caribbean Sea and Oceania), Denmark (Greenland), Spain (the cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa), the Netherlands (Antilles and Aruba), Australia and New Zealand (groups of islands in Oceania). In addition, the territory of Western Sahara is occupied by Morocco. Its future is subject to settlement in accordance with relevant UN decisions. The Palestinian territories remain occupied by Israel. There is a process of self-government formation in the framework of a peaceful settlement in the Middle East.

    Antarctica has a special status. According to the agreement of October 1, 1959, it is a neutral continent, without borders, where any economic and military activities are prohibited.

    The political map of the world shows states and dependent territories with their borders. States are sovereign (politically independent) entities. Dependent territories (colonies) are in the power of foreign states. The main feature of the political map is its changeability (dynamism). There are four periods in the formation of the political map of the world: ancient (before the V century), Medieval, Colonial (XV - early XX century) and the latest (XX-XXI centuries). Each of the periods had its own peculiarities in the development of the political map. Most of the changes on the political map of the world occurred in the XX century. The main events that caused changes were the First and Second World Wars, the collapse of colonial empires, the collapse of the world socialist system.


    Теги: карты мира, карты, политические карты, география, политика

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    + основной материал: Detailed political map of the world

    Detailed political map of the world

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