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Decembrists and Russian revolutionaries raised in December 1825 uprising against the autocracy and serfdom ( the name given by the month uprising ) . D. were noble revolutionaries , their class limitations imposed on the movement of print , which by the slogans were anti-feudal and assumptions associated with the maturing of the bourgeois revolution in Russia . The process of decomposition of the feudal serf system , is clearly manifested in the 2nd half of the 18th century. and worsened in the early 19th century. , was the basis on which the movement has grown . Lenin called the era of world history between the French Revolution and the Paris Commune (1789-1871) " ... the era of the bourgeois- democratic movements in general , bourgeois national movements in particular , the era of the rapid breakdown of the obsolete feudal - absolutist institutions " ( Full sobr . , 5th ed . , v. 26 , p. 143). D. movement was integral to the fight of this era . Anti-feudal movement in the world historical process often includes elements of noble revolutionary spirit , which had been strong in the English Revolution of the 17th century. , In the Spanish liberation struggle of the 1820s . and especially clearly manifested in the Polish movement of the 19th century . Russia was no exception in this regard. The weakness of the Russian bourgeoisie contributed to the " first-born of freedom" in Russia have become revolutionary nobles . The Patriotic War of 1812 , to which were almost all the founders and many active members of the future movement D., subsequent foreign campaigns of 1813-14 came to them in a certain degree of political school.
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Просмотров: 1853 | Размеры: 640x419px/67.3Kb | Рейтинг: 1.0/3 | |