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ДА́ЧА (от древнерус. глагола дати) — в первоначальном смысле -небольшая земельная собственность, дарованная царем (или данная по дележу). Отсюда значение "лесное угодье" (делянка). Петр I раздавал под Петербургом многочисл. Д. приближенным, предписывая устраивать усадьбы по образцовым проектам. Отсюда значение "загородный дом для летнего отдыха". В 19 в. выезд на Д. становится нормой мало-мальски обеспеченных слоев нас. Д., в отличие от усадьбы, не имела развитого сада и хоз. построек. Образ жизни на Д. был предельно свободен от требований этикета. Архитектура Д. ориентировалась на комфорт и обычно значительно опережала гор. архитектуру, предвосхищая новые стилистич. поиски. В сов. время привилегированные лица получали Д. в безвозмездное пользование от государствава.
Snow slide near her house Very nice if your cottage is on the relief landscape , and then much difficulty you are not required, but if the relief is flat, but will have to start preparing for the fall. By the way , this idea can be the perfect accompaniment to geoplastikoy if you suddenly conceived to transform the relief garden or another area of the villa area , because the hill , prepared for the landscape changes , can be the basis of a hill. If the cottage is completely flat , it will have to build a hill in the winter , of course, if enough snow falls . An alternative may be the only serious training with the transfer of the soil and the device of the hill, but it is very long, prohibitively expensive. Here will be able to help a neighbor's tractor , and maybe your own mini- tractor or truck, which in a few hours can make a good slope. It must be done at a slight angle , well compacted and wait for the snowfall for the formation of the slides and sleigh rides and skiing. Snow slide in the country will give to your children and grandchildren many radostiSnezhnaya slide in the country will give to your children and grandchildren a lot of joy The construction of the ice palace courtyard garden Here in the autumn do not do anything , we should expect cold and snow . Closer to the first frost , begin to prepare the building material - ice bricks . It's very easy, because gather up enough large number of packages of juice , rinse them , and typing of water , put in the freezer. Of course, if the refrigerator is small, the bricks will have to prepare several stages . But there is also a plus , because each batch of material can be made of different colors , tinting the water colors. As a result , you can get different colored bricks and build amazing and summer- house rainbow of snow drifts . The paradox, but it is real . How to build an ice palace , a castle, a hut or just the original building in the country ? How to build an ice palace , a castle, a hut or just the original building in the country ? Construction is simple , you only have to prepare for the construction of the base . This may be a plot , cleared to land , or well downtrodden and spilled water layer of snow . Construction is set during a strong frost, is a common solution of water, which makes it possible to freeze ice material to the previous layer . After the construction of the walls of the distinctive building blocks can be both inside and outside of the structure to sprinkle water spray to create on the surface of the ice crust that gives added strength to our structure . Most correctly will build the ice castle correct form, but if you are confident that you can create a design without collapse , the form can be changed even before the hemisphere. Источник материала Свободная публикация материалов сайта при условии наличия ссылки на сайт. Здесь общение с автором проекта по вопросам рекламы, развития и поддержки проекта, обмена информацией, авторских прав - в контакты. Почта администратора сайта - evgeniy@fedoroff.net. Статья 29.4 Каждый имеет право свободно искать, получать, передавать, производить и распространять информацию любым законным способом. Перечень сведений, составляющих государственную тайну, определяется федеральным законом. © fedoroff.net | |
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