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Hedgehog - a well-known on the exterior of animal, whose back and sides are covered with short dark needles. Needles up to 3 cm in adult urchins of 5000-6000 , young - only 3000 . Needles white at the base and at the end , in the middle painted stripes of black, white and brown. The fur on the muzzle , legs and abdomen hedgehog hard , and in Russia it is most common gray color . Chest and throat plain , with no blind spots , unlike the similar white-bellied hedgehogs . Body length hedgehog 135-265 mm, tail - less than 3 cm, weighs on average 700-800 g, but before hibernation can eat off until 1200 Males are larger than females. The muzzle is elongated , mobile , sharp nose and constantly wet. Eyes are black and round. Ears are short ( less than 3.5 cm) , rounded, almost hidden in the fur. Five-fingered limbs , with rather sharp claws ; hind legs slightly longer than the front . The upper jaw 20 small sharp teeth on the lower - 16. [ edit] Needles Hedgehog hollow needle , filled with air and divided into compartments by horizontal discs . Each ends with a small extension that is under the skin , so the needle falls together with scraps of skin. They are smooth , without grooves and notches , like regular hair grows from the follicle . Each needle is attached muscle fibers that it raises and lowers ; raised needles intersect at different angles , creating a reliable scratchy blanket . Under the skin of the back is the hedgehog is a special muscle panniculus carnosis, which allows for reducing him to curl into a thorny ball . Each needle is growing 12-18 months; molt in the hedgehog is slow - the average annual change is one of three needle ( mainly in spring and autumn). Источник материала Свободная публикация материалов сайта при условии наличия ссылки на сайт. Здесь общение с автором проекта по вопросам рекламы, развития и поддержки проекта, обмена информацией, авторских прав - в контакты. Почта администратора сайта - evgeniy@fedoroff.net. Статья 29.4 Каждый имеет право свободно искать, получать, передавать, производить и распространять информацию любым законным способом. Перечень сведений, составляющих государственную тайну, определяется федеральным законом. © fedoroff.net | |
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