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Parents' marriage Lermontov heiress MM Arsenyev (1795-1817) and Army Captain P. Lermontov (1773-1831) was unsuccessful . Early death of his mother and father quarrel with his grandmother EA Arsenyev heavy toll on the formation of the personality of the poet. Lermontov was raised by his grandmother in the estate Tarkhany Penza province , received an excellent education at home (foreign languages , art, music) . Romantic cult of the father and the appropriate treatment of marital conflict affected later dramas Menschen und Leidenschaften (" People and Passions " , 1830) , " Strange Man " ( 1831). Important for the formation of Lermontov and stories about the legendary founder of its kind Scottish poet Thomas Learmonth . By the strong impressions of childhood are a trip to the Caucasus ( 1820 , 1825 ) .
Since 1827 Lermontov lives in Moscow. He trained at the Moscow university boarding school ( September 1828 March 1830 ) , and later at the Moscow University ( September 1830 June 1832 ) on the moral and political, then literary department . Early Lermontov's poetic experiments indicate that the gambling and unsystematic reading predromanticheskoy and romantic literature : along with JG Byron and Pushkin important for him Schiller , Victor Hugo , Batyushkov , philosophical lyrics Wisdom , in verse mass borrowed lines ( fragments) from the works of authors from a variety of MV Lomonosov to contemporary poets. Not thinking like a professional writer and aspiring print , Lermontov is lurking lyrical diary , where strangers, sometimes contrasting formulas are an expression of the hidden truth about the great and misunderstood soul. Experienced in 1830-32 hobbies EA Sushkov , NF Ivanova , VA Lopukhina become material for the respective confessional lyric cycles , where a specific circumstances hides eternal tragic conflict . At the same time we are working on romantic poems from the overtly imitative " Circassians " (1828 ) to be the professional , " Ismail Bey " and " Litvinkov " (both 1832), indicating the assimilation of Lermontov genre ( Byron , Pushkin ) canon ( exclusivity of the protagonist, the "top " composition , " innuendo "plot , exotic or historical flavor ) . By the early 1830s . uncovered " main " characters poetic system Lermontov correlated with two different life and creative strategies , with two interpretations of the self : the fallen spirit , cursed world and consciously selected the evil ( the first edition of the poem "The Demon" , 1829) , and the innocent , pure-minded sufferer dreaming of freedom and natural harmony (the poem " Confessions," in 1831 , which was the prototype of the poem " The Novice " ) . Contrast these interpretations does not exclude domestic relationship, provides a voltage antithetical characters of all the main characters and the complexity of Lermontov author's assessment . time of Troubles Leaving for reasons not entirely clear university Lermontov in 1832 moved to St. Petersburg and entered the School of guard sub-ensigns and cavalry cadets ; released cornet Life Guards Hussar Regiment in 1834 . High poetry takes place unprintable Prosody ( " Junker poem" ), the place chosen tragic cynical bully , reduced double " demon ." At the same time we are working on the novel " Vadim" ( not finished ), where ultraromanticheskie motifs and stylistic moves ( relatives of the "angel " and " demon ", " poetry ugliness " linguistic expression ) accompany a thorough depiction of the historical background ( Pugachev uprising ) . " Demonic " line continues in unfinished novel of modern life " Princess Ligovski " ( 1836) and the drama "Masquerade" . Last Lermontov attached special importance : it takes her three times in double- censorship and remodels . poet generation By the beginning of 1837 Lermontov no literary status : numerous poems (among them recognized in the future masterpieces "Angel" 1831 , " Sail" , 1831 , " Mermaid " , 1832 "The Dying Gladiator ," 1836 ; poem " Boyar Orsha " 1835 -36) is not given in the press , the novels are not finished , "Masquerade" is missed censorship published ( unconfirmed reports without the author's knowledge ) the poem " Haji Abrek " (1834 ) resonance did not cause connections in the literary world, there is no ( significant " non-meeting " Pushkin ) . Glory to Lermontov come overnight with the poem " Death of a Poet " (1937), the response to the last duel Pushkin. Text is widely distributed in the lists is highly appreciated as in Pushkin's circle and the public, to hear these verses in their own pain and indignation . Concluding lines of the poem with sharp attacks against the highest aristocracy angered Nicholas I. February 18 Lermontov was arrested and soon transferred ensign in the Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment in the Caucasus . Link lasted until October 1837 : Lermontov traveled through the Caucasus, visited Tbilisi , was treated on the waters ( here became acquainted with exiled Decembrists , including AI Odoyevsky poet , Источник материала Свободная публикация материалов сайта при условии наличия ссылки на сайт. Здесь общение с автором проекта по вопросам рекламы, развития и поддержки проекта, обмена информацией, авторских прав - в контакты. Почта администратора сайта - evgeniy@fedoroff.net. Статья 29.4 Каждый имеет право свободно искать, получать, передавать, производить и распространять информацию любым законным способом. Перечень сведений, составляющих государственную тайну, определяется федеральным законом. © fedoroff.net | |
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