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Travel, 1) movement in a territory with a view to their area of study, as well as general education , cognitive , sports and other purposes. To 18-19 cc. P. was one of the main sources of information about these or other countries (their nature, population , history, economy ) , and the outline of the general nature of the Earth's surface .
From ancient times preserved descriptions of travel Herodotus, the scientists who accompanied Alexander the Great in his campaigns . A classic example of a medieval P. - wandering M. Polo and A. Nikitin. Age of Discovery is characteristic of many AP, has fundamentally changed the understanding of the planet. Later important to expand knowledge of the Earth were traveling D. Livingstone and Stanley G. , N. Przhevalsky and others , but has Przewalski called his scientific reconnaissance of the AP , as they could only meet the needs of primary and general familiarity with the peculiarities of a given territory . Therefore, in the 18-19 centuries . with the deepening of research , specification and specialization of scientific goals and objectives P. acquired the character of scientific expeditions , and a " P." the mid-20th century. began to be used mainly in relation to tourism . 2 ) PA in the literature - traveler's notes containing travel impressions , description of traffic accidents , observations and applying to post new information on little-known to the reader or newly discovered countries , the history of a fictional journey , stylized depiction of the real P. and subject to the additional ideological and artistic task : adventure , utopian , philosophical , etc. Early P. closely coexist with legends and stories and eat them . Description of P. Since antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance have both scientific and cognitive and artistic value. Examples: historical and geographical writings of Herodotus , the monumental "Geography" of Strabo , "Germany" of Tacitus , in the Middle Ages - the narrative travelers and merchants ( " book" Marco Polo , " Journey Beyond Three Seas " Nikitin ) , reports on missions to the East yes Plano Carpini, 13 . , Willem Rubruka , 13 . , descriptions of pilgrims ( "Walking Daniel abbot Russian land " , 1106-08 ), in the Age of Discovery 15-16 centuries . - A lot of travel descriptions : essays B. de Las Casas , a logbook H. Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci letters , diary A. Pigafetta , Magellan's companion , and similar works in the Ancient and Medieval East ( Op. Zhang Qian, 2 . BCE. e . , Suleiman of Basra, 9 . , Op. Ibn Majid - the pilot of Vasco da Gama , 16.) . In the mid-16th century . Notes travelers begin to systematically publish Venetian publisher Ramusio ( from 1550 ) and the Englishman R. Hekleyt ( from 1582 ) . In the 17-18 centuries . literature on P. continued documents , notes, and descriptions of sea and land , P., expeditions ( R. La Salle , J. Cook , L. de Bougainville , JF La Perouse , V. Bering and others) pirate voyages and adventures (entries Ekskvemelin Dutch , English pirate William Dampier ) . In the 19th century. created as a protocol- note documentary about the real IP ( "Journey to the ship" Beagle " " Charles Darwin , writing Nansen , N. Maclay , etc.), and the writers ' travel essays , "where the main objectives of the narrative - a statement of experiences and views website . A strong and lasting influence on the formation of " travel essays " have " Sentimental Journey ... " , 1768 , L. Stern , " Italian Journey " , 1816-29 , Goethe , and in Russia - "Letters of a Russian Traveler " H . Karamzin and " Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow " Radishshev . Developed the genre of " travel essays " romance FR Chateaubriand ( "American Journey," 1791 ed. 1827) , A. Lamartine, Heine , T. Gautier , P. Merimee . In the 19th and 20th centuries, especially in the . this genre has found a variety of forms ( eg, " Journey to Erzerum " Pushkin , "Letters of Spain" B. Botkin , " frigate " Pallada " ," Goncharov , " Sakhalin Island" AP Chekhov's " The Innocents Abroad ," Mark Twain , "Irish diary" Heinrich Boell Foundation , "Ice book " Yu Smuul , " sakura " V. Ovchinnikov ), " travel essays " is becoming one of the leading genres of journalism. In the 20th century . special interest are the numerous readers documentary P. as a popular science genre: " Aku -Aku " and " Journey to the " Kon -Tiki " " T. Heyerdahl , " Overboard at will " A. Bombard , "Around the World in whales " BA Zenkovich " himself to overcome the" F. Chichester . Источник материала Свободная публикация материалов сайта при условии наличия ссылки на сайт. Здесь общение с автором проекта по вопросам рекламы, развития и поддержки проекта, обмена информацией, авторских прав - в контакты. Почта администратора сайта - evgeniy@fedoroff.net. Статья 29.4 Каждый имеет право свободно искать, получать, передавать, производить и распространять информацию любым законным способом. Перечень сведений, составляющих государственную тайну, определяется федеральным законом. © fedoroff.net | |
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