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Уборка `Толковый словарь Кузнецова`
уборка УБО́РКА -и; ж. 1. Сбор урожая. У. хлебов. У. зерновых. У. картофеля. Совсем немного времени осталось до уборки. Техника, машины для уборки. Началась у. урожая. У. хлопка - тяжёлый труд. 2. Наведение чистоты, порядка. У. квартиры, дома. У. постели. Влажная у. помещения. Предпраздничная у. Занялась уборкой в шкафу. Застала мать за уборкой. Уборкой улиц некому заниматься. // Очистка улиц от снега, мусора. У. снега. У. мусора. Машины для уборки снега. Уборка `Толковый словарь Ожегова` УБОРОЧНЫЙ см. убрать, -ся. Уборка `Толковый словарь Ушакова` уборки, ж. 1. только ед. Действие по глаг. убрать в 1, 3, 4, 5 и 6 знач. - убирать. Хлебная уборка была во всем разгаре. Л. Толстой. Уборка помещения. 2. У иконописцев - внешнее оформление: орнамент, обрамление и т. п. (живоп.). Cleaning the house - a good advice . Fig. 1 Woman - homemaker . In the contemporary world, the stereotype is increasingly being questioned and criticized. Most business lady just hire au pair . But there were also those who , because of their financial status or simply on their own accord , continue to protect the comfort of home. But it does not follow that the daily concerns , the woman should forget his beloved . If desired, you can always find an effective and useful tips that will help you in performing household chores. Most people associated with the cleaning routine, fatigue and hard work. But in reality, there are a few simple tips on cleaning the apartment or house that will enhance and facilitate the process of bringing order and cleanliness in the house, and most importantly - to change their internal relation to the process of cleaning . The main reason for the negative attitude to the cleaning of the apartment is incorrect intrinsic motivation or even complete lack of motivation. Often , much of the work on cleaning the apartment carries only one person , but in the confusion of the apartment creates a whole family . In addition, no matter how much time has been spent to bring everything in order , the next day the landlady detect the new scope of work for cleaning , because the mess is created as if by itself , but the order must diligently put things have to apply considerable own efforts and labor. Try to figure out how to properly carry out the cleaning of the apartment or house , what are the rules for cleaning premises, and most importantly, how to clean the apartment a pleasant, easy and not burdensome . Cleaning the house - a good advice . Fig. 2 Reach sterile cleanliness in the house , where they live a few households who use the toilet , bathroom, kitchen , impossible. Especially if you have a child or several children. However, if you get in the habit to do the cleaning on a regular basis , without creating drudgery of cleaning once a month or a quarter , and if the whole family to teach clean up after themselves , to achieve cleanliness and comfort in the house will be much easier. It is very effective to do the cleaning , where and so clean. For example, do the cleaning in the kitchen , which were removed ( clean the sink , washed the plate , rubbing the tiles) two or three days ago , will take considerably less time than cleaning the kitchen , stove , sink and tiles which were cleaned with a month ago. Three types of guidance purity Urgent cleaning does not shallow , easy to handle disorder develop into a serious problem. For example, after cooking dinner on the stove remained somewhat greasy spots. They are barely visible and do not interfere with anyone at all . However, if you immediately wipe them with a sponge , oven will remain clean , and if every day ignore the dirty plate , then layered with burnt crust is formed , which will have to spend a large amount of cleaning and general cleaning hours . With immediate cleaning you will immediately get rid of the current dirt. If you do not, it will accumulate over time and at the best stop you live , and at worst - to accustom the confusion surrounding so that you and your family members will find this confusion is quite normal and natural. Источник материала Свободная публикация материалов сайта при условии наличия ссылки на сайт. Здесь общение с автором проекта по вопросам рекламы, развития и поддержки проекта, обмена информацией, авторских прав - в контакты. Почта администратора сайта - evgeniy@fedoroff.net. Статья 29.4 Каждый имеет право свободно искать, получать, передавать, производить и распространять информацию любым законным способом. Перечень сведений, составляющих государственную тайну, определяется федеральным законом. © fedoroff.net | |
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