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The administration was housed in Dovmont town with twelve stone churches and civil buildings, including "Synod izba" (the administrative building of the church council). That kind of Pskovian church organization which was an imitation of the civil state structure, had been in existence far longer than the Veche system, up to the end of the 16 th century. In the 12 th to 15 th centuries all Pskovian monasteries, in spite of their origin, were either urban or suburbian monasteries. In the 15th century the centre of the monastic life moved from town to desolate areas due to the hard daily toil of the Reverend Efrosin (1386-1481), the founder of Eleazarov monastery on the Tolba River (1425). The ideals of the anchoretic life developed from the life of a hermit in the forests and in the marshlands up to setting up monasteries exercising severe ascetic regulations. These ideals were implemented by the disciples and followers of Efrosin: Reverend Serapion (+1480), Savva Krypetsky(+1487), Dosifey Verkhoostrovsky (+1482), Illarion Pokrovsky-Ozersky (+1476), Onufry Malsky (+1492), the first builder of Pechory monastery Iona( + 1474), Nikandr Porkhovsky (1507-1582). They immortalised themselves with their spiritial life gifts and abililies and posthumous miracles. They strengthened Pskovian land by their prayers. Источник материала Свободная публикация материалов сайта при условии наличия ссылки на сайт. Здесь общение с автором проекта по вопросам рекламы, развития и поддержки проекта, обмена информацией, авторских прав - в контакты. Почта администратора сайта - evgeniy@fedoroff.net. Статья 29.4 Каждый имеет право свободно искать, получать, передавать, производить и распространять информацию любым законным способом. Перечень сведений, составляющих государственную тайну, определяется федеральным законом. © fedoroff.net | |
Просмотров: 1942 | Размеры: 640x479px/96.3Kb | Рейтинг: 2.3/3 Дата: 04.Марта.2010
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| Добавил: Евгений_Евгеньевич | | |