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    Ангел Хранитель

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    Name Guardian Angel refers to the angels who in the real world perform specific types of service . Some of them , as noted by the Venerable. John Damascene , " guard area of the earth and govern nations and countries , according as they are commanded by the Creator » (De fide orth. II 3). "These minds - writes St.. Gregory the Theologian , - every one hast taken any part of the charge of the universe or something to one in the world knows how things have been arranged and distributed to all ... »(Or. 28). In Daniel these angels are called "princes " (ie rulers ) Jewish , Greek and Persian kingdoms (10 . 13-21 ) . But angels , as Holy Scripture testifies , managers, and other kingdoms and nations. "And Pharaoh angel put upon the Egyptians - we read in the" Areopagitica "- the king of Babylon and his angel was ushered in visions of the fishery and the power to control everything and domination over all » (CH IX 4).

    Some Fathers of the Church ( St. Gregory the Theologian , Epiphanius , Ambrose and others) argued that the Guardian Angel is every Christian Church . "You are sad - St. drawn . Basil to the elders of the Church Nikopol - that spewed from you fence walls , but you shall remain in the shelter of God in heaven , and you - Angel - guardian of the Church »(Ep. 230).

    Finally, the Guardian Angel can have every man if his life as the life of angels , expressed in service to God and people. Such an angel , according to the Psalmist , " encamps around those who fear Him ( Gospoda. - MI ) , and delivers them " (Psalm 33. 8). Guardian angel had the Old Testament saints (Gen. 48. 16). In New Testament times, he , according to church tradition , a person is granted during his baptism and stays with him throughout his life, if a Christian committed to bogoupodobleniyu . Jesus Christ , calling to be "like children " (Mt 18. 3) , pointed out that thanks to the children's purity and chastity their angels always staying with them and " in heaven always see the face of the Father ... Heaven "( Matt. 18. 10).

    Belief in the existence of guardian angel in the Christian Church is widespread already in apostolic times , as evidenced by the release of a wonderful case of the Apostle Peter from prison (Acts 12. 7-17 ) . People who were in the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark , did not believe the maid who claimed that the apostle Peter is released and stands at the door of the house , and thought that it was a guardian angel apostle (Acts 12. 15).

    Guardian Angels do not leave the faithful , " and dispose of our affairs , and help us » (Ioan. Damasc. De fide orth. II 3 ), not only for life on earth , but in moments of death and beyond . " Always contains in his mind the thought of death , - writes the Venerable. Theodore the Studite - thought about the separation of the soul from the body, - the separation , which will be under the authoritative in watching your angel »(Ep. 482) . After the separation of the soul with the body , by the remark of St. . Cyril of Alexandria , " being adopted by the holy angels and in the shelter of their leaking airspace and carried up to the height of ... meet various ordeals , koi will block her way into the kingdom ... »(Hom. div. 14).

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    Просмотров: 1559 | Размеры: 388x600px/226.5Kb | Рейтинг: 1.0/3
    Дата: 26.Сентября.2011 | Теги: православие, христианство, ангелы, иконы
    | Добавил: Картограф |

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