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    Полные размеры: 700x458 px

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    Подробнее об Архитектуре города Пскова>>

    Having been placed at the foot of the Persi wall Dovmont Town became a centre of the religious life in Pskovian Land. On the territory of 1,5 hectares the Pskovites had built 12 churches with chapels and belfries, few civil buildings; cobbled pavements leading from the Dovmont wall gates to the bridges across "Greblya" near the Smerdy and the Velikii Gates. The churches had been built here since the 12 th to 13 th centuries, but most of them were constructed or rebuilt in the late 14 th to the early 15 th centuries. The first one was the Church of Kirill "over Greblya" near the Smerdy Bridge dating back to 1374-1376 which "the architect Kirill established... to his name". The last one was the church of St. Sophia built by the architect Yeremey in 1416. Nine churches had been built and decorated with frescoes in the intervals of two - seven years, six of them were cathedrals!
    The architect Kirill and his disciples can be considered the authors of the architectural ensemble of the Dovmont wall. Later on, this ensemble was accomplished by the Church of Afanasy of Jerusalem, 1438 and the Church of Metropolitan Alexei, 1508.
    There is no other ensemble in Russia like the Dovmont town ensemble. It became a house of the Pskovian synod. Eighteen altars were the religious symbol of religion of Pskovian Land. They seemed to be asking St. Trinity for six city districts and twelve suburbs.
    The author G. Mokeyev put forward a very interesting hypothesis that the architect Kirill and the Pskovites wished to make the idea of the creation "the House of St. Trinity" in Pskov land true. The prototype was the House of St. Trinity in "The Revelations" of John the Theologian. This image stunned the imagination of the medieval mystics, artists and poets by its beauty and the Pskovites were a success in building it in stone.
    From the South to the Dovmont wall there were placed ensembles (not in existance today) of the Prince's Court, the old Market place called "Torg" and the yard of the Snetogorsky monastery with the bridge across the Pskova river. From the Vlasyev Gates by the Vlasyev Tower a slope came to the wooden bridge across the Velikaya (Great) River. Residential houses surrounded the central part of Pskov by a semicircle and divided the town into 6 "ends" - city districts under selfgovernment with a church of their own and with veche of their own, living under the regulations of their own and exercising rights and duties worked out by their community.

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    Просмотров: 3333 | Размеры: 700x458px/78.5Kb | Рейтинг: 1.0/3
    Дата: 22.Мая.2009 | Теги: Фотография, Псков, история, начало века, 19 век
    | Добавил: Картограф |

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