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    Родинка – это врожденный недостаток развития кожи или, возможно, доброкачественные опухоли, приобретенные в течении жизни. Образовывается она вследствие того, что в определенный момент, клетки кожи переполняются меланином и превращаются меланоциты (клетки кожи, вырабатывающие пигмент меланин). Скопление этих клеток и называется родинкой.

    Обратите внимание, что на теле новорожденных родинок не видно, но это не значит, что их совсем нет. Скорее всего, они на столько малы, что разглядеть их просто не возможно. Родинки в большом количестве могут появляться в момент полового созревания или во время беременности. Под воздействием гормонов появляются новые образования, а старые могут менять цвет. Родинки могут появляться на разных и порой неожиданных местах. Они часто появляются даже на слизистых оболочках, на языке, в области рта, в анальном отверстии и влагалище.

    Every person at birth on average may be about a dozen of these markings. Moles in children , as a rule , do not raise any concern , because as they grow older , they may get lost , but to follow their development and growth especially a must . They may become less or more with age, but the appearance of new moles should be under close scrutiny. First, they have the form of microscopic spots in some cases may increase in diameter, however, not exceed 0.5 cm and usually remain flat or slightly raised above the surrounding skin in the form of " peas ", sometimes - for thin stalk , and have light brown color. The vast majority of these pigmented lesions are harmless .

    The most common misconception - that's attention to convex " Pea" and the absence of any concern about the flat spots . Really flat spots do not worry, they are difficult to accidentally damage , but they have the highest risk of malignancy . Flat acquired nevi border , especially if they increase or, conversely, decreases in size, have uneven pigmentation or irregular shape are called medicine dysplastic , i.e. able to be reborn in melanoma. This cancer can develop quite a long time from 5 to 10 years. Because of this, the owners of these moles often lose vigilance , forget about the risk and regular surveys. Some dysplastic nevi can grow more rapidly , and therefore noticeable in diameter - 2.1 mm per year. However, when the size of a mole near to 6-7 mm, lay consultation of a dermatologist or oncologist is no longer necessary. Maybe it just may be removed to prevent the possible development of melanoma.

    Of course, not every dysplastic nevi leads to tumor growth , but the risk is enough high. The question of surgery at the discretion of the oncologist , after a detailed examination. Dermatologist , deals exclusively with cosmetic removal of moles, and the detection of suspicious pigmented lesions must write referral to an oncologist . Remember, remove moles yourself or your dermatologist or oncologist can not be categorically !

    examination of moles

    Survey rodinokUstanavlivaya diagnosis , a specialist carefully examine nevus , finds out his history , growth, and character. The standard diagnostic imaging techniques of pigmented lesions of the skin, any theology, refers histology - the study under the microscope of patient tissue samples for the determination of the structure of education. In the presence of pigment in the formation of cracks and bleeding from the surface of smear - taking mark for the study. Typically , the results of this procedure are known already in a day .

    To decide on the complete removal of birthmarks are sometimes quite simple visual inspection oncologist . With minimal margins from the edges of the nevus of 3-5 mm, the stain is removed and sent for further histological examination . This procedure is performed under local anesthesia , and the results will be ready in a few days. Any research or other procedures for removing moles on the need to carry out exclusively in the specialized cancer institutions.

    Using histological examination is possible with a high degree of certainty to distinguish benign from malignant , a correct diagnosis , determine the stage of disease , prescribe treatment and to predict its efficiency.
    In addition , there are other methods of diagnosis , but they are increasingly supporting . For example, epilyuministsentnaya microscopy study when produced directly on the body surface , increasing image 10-40 . To do this, on the surface of the pigment formation cause a bit of vegetable oil, and explore its dermatoscope that accurately determines the structure of the neoplasm.

    It is also possible to study the structure of moles using computer diagnostics . Image nevus fixed digital camera and compared to a database according to certain criteria .

    How to Get Rid of Moles

    To remove moles specialist should make an appropriate conclusion, the indications for their removal can not only cancer , but also cosm

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    Просмотров: 1247 | Размеры: 400x300px/14.9Kb | Рейтинг: 1.0/5
    Дата: 31.Марта.2013 | Теги: родинка
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