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Baths - specially equipped rooms designed to make water and thermal procedures for preventive and therapeutic purposes , which host and hygienic measures - body wash . [I] Originating at the dawn of human history as the first experience of the primitive man with a steam bath found entrenched and widespread use for thousands of years as people's need for clean and healing from disease.
Perhaps the impetus for the emergence of the idea of steam bath served as the raindrops that fall through the roof leaks on the hot stones of the hearth , or even just water accidentally poured on the seat of our ancestors . It is believed that the first use of a couple of people associated with geysers . No exaggeration to say that the steam baths knew and used all the nations of the world. Proof of this is the fact that during the excavations are often found traces of structures intended for vodoteplovyh procedures. They come in a variety of external forms , adapted to the climatic conditions and the material used , traditions and way of life , but all of these facilities are primitive or more advanced designs to produce heat, which served as a source of steam, hot water, or hot stones , poured water . All this suggests that these structures are found by archaeologists baths. About geographically origin baths are divided. Some researchers believe that the steam bath made its way from the East to the North through the Slavic tribes , while others argue that anyone other than the Finnish- Ugric peoples of steam bath was not known . Источник материала Свободная публикация материалов сайта при условии наличия ссылки на сайт. Здесь общение с автором проекта по вопросам рекламы, развития и поддержки проекта, обмена информацией, авторских прав - в контакты. Почта администратора сайта - evgeniy@fedoroff.net. Статья 29.4 Каждый имеет право свободно искать, получать, передавать, производить и распространять информацию любым законным способом. Перечень сведений, составляющих государственную тайну, определяется федеральным законом. © fedoroff.net | |
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