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    Карта города Бологое [44 Mpx]


    скачать файл DOWNLOAD (2.76 Mb) ФОРМАТ · Скриншот · Распечатать · Написать автору · Заказать доработку карты · Последнее обновление карты: 13.Августа.2013, 11:13 · Просмотров: 3179 · Рейтинг карты: 2848

    The city is located on the northern outskirts of the Valdai Hills in Lake Bologoye , 164 km north- west of Tver. Important railway junction of the October Railway. Located about half way train from St. Petersburg to Moscow (the center is located 12 kilometers in the direction of St. Petersburg ) . History of the city goes back centuries Bologoye Bologoye history , located on fertile ground. The first mention of Bologoye relates to 1495 . In Novgorod cadastres speaks of " hamlet Bologoye Bologa over the lake ." Around wonderful , blue sapphire , lakes - forests, rivers, lakes rich in fish and game . Place a good , good , good for settlement. Hence the name - " Good ", which was eventually changed to the more sonorous - Bologoye . There is a legend about the settlement , " roamed the earth in this ancient nature reserve goddess of love and beauty Lada . Yes swooped Pechenegs , saw her, well, catch . Lada began to run , but grabbed vorogov pearl beads for her . Torn beads scattered pearls, pearls have turned into lakes - large and small . And drowned in these lakes invaders . A Lada disappeared into thin air and stretched grace to place our good Bologovsky . " Originally a small village Bologoye was one of many thousands of these small villages in the territory of Russia. In the late 18th century , there were only 70 Bologoye residents. That all changed in the mid-19th century with the advent of the railroad , which, according to the project of talented Russian scientist, professor at St. Petersburg Institute of Railway Engineers PP Melnikova , passed through Bologoye . The village began to develop , as with the construction of the railway , there are various travel services : locomotive and wagon depots , workshops , warehouses, poured in entrepreneurs , merchants, craftsmen , new businesses , build houses , retail shops , coaching inns . At the train station grew large station settlement , which later merged with the hamlet Bologa . In 1851 Bologoye appeared on maps as Nikolayev Station ( October ) Railway, later , in 1879 , there were discovered railway technical school , which is the third railway schools in Russia. In 1876 was opened in Bologoye railway hospital , one of the first in the country. In 1896 , the Company launched a freshwater biological station , which was led by Professor nerd IP Borodin . In 1899, the brothers opened a sawmill Korsakov , then two brick in 1906 was built by treating plant . In the early 20th century Bologoye famous for producing musical instruments. It worked and workshops Yucca Mitropolskii in which produced famous throughout Russia harmonic " bologovki " and mitrofony , gramophones , accordion, harmonium. Since 1919 began to be manufactured in Bologoye regional newspaper " Liberated Proletarian" , which was the chief editor Gregory Shvechkov . In 2009, the 90th anniversary edition . Over the years, the newspaper changed its name ( "Drummer ", " Bologovskij drummer "). Since 1967, for publication firmly established the name "New Life" . Currently, the newspaper is a municipal , its circulation reached 2,500 copies . Bologoye village gradually turned into the station , and eventually - the largest railway junction in five directions . Changes and the status of the village .


    Теги: география, 2014, карты, бологое, оффлайн карты, тверская область, районные центры

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    + основной материал: Карта города Бологое [44 Mpx]

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