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    Полные размеры: 800x673 px

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    MASKS , appliances, serving for respiratory protection against otravlyayuschgh substances in the air. Presence in PP . facepiece ( mask , helmet ) at the same time protects the eyes and face . Before the war, in 1914 - 18 years. none of the warring states had no P. except oxygen devices used in the mining , prom-sti . Use as a means of attack of chemical warfare agents (see) has caused the need to find appropriate measures for the protection of both individual soldiers (individual protection ) , and whole groups of them ( collective defense ) . Among these activities P. occupies a unique position , being the primary means of : anti-chemical defense. By the method of respiratory protection against OM masks are divided into two types of SG . filtering and isolating P. ( portable oxygen devices ) . In the first cleaning the air of toxic contaminants is achieved by filtration his < through some absorbing these impurities environment. Secondly, protection is provided complete isolation from the respiratory tract okruzhakn ing atmosphere. P. filtering in turn break P. wet and dry . P. wet filter , which were the most early remedy consisted of several layers of gauze soaked in some OB - neutralizing composition. The first samples of wet P. represented bandage covering his nose and mouth. Impregnating composition contains veschestva.pogl oschayuschie chl or.napr .. sodium hypo -30 , 0, soda -15 0 glycerin 10 0 45 Water - 0 . Unreliability affix to the face and a small bandage protective ability , she was forced to replace it with a mask in the form of stigma , with glasses. Changes accordingly and impregnation . The last sample Russian Sc. "Wet chemical masks Committee" ( Figure 1) consisted of 30 layers of gauze impregnated with the composition as follows : water -46 , 73 % glycerol -14, 02 % , potash -6 , 54 % , hypo - 14.02 % , methenamine - 18 ^ 69% ( against phosgene ) . For protection from prussic to-you added to said mixture in an amount of 5-5.5 % sulfuric acid or acetic acid salt of nickel. This mask is protected within 30 minutes of chlorine . b phosgene concentrations of 0.1 %. Protection against OM lachrymatory (" lakrimato - ditch ") it was not calculated. The last sample was French. wet mask M 2 ( Fig. 2) consisted of 20 layers of gauze impregnated with a solution Greasene, and 20 layers impregnated composition Complexene.

    These solutions contain (by weight ): Greasene ( against lachrymator except chloropicrin ) - castor oil 107 , 0, alcohol ( 95 °) -81,0, glycerol (90 %) 10.7 , sodium hydroxide , 3.1 ; Complexene ( against chlorine , phosgene and cyanide to-you ) - methenamine ^ -39.0 , 37.5 glycerol , sulfate, nickel- 27, 5 , sodium carbonate -11 , 8 - voda. NesEolko different in appearance from other sample of English - helmet wet P. PH (Figure 3) , which is a flannel bag with holes for points and to die with exhalation valve , inserted in the mouth and thus neutralizing the effect of hindering exhaled CoA to alkaline impregnation helmet and excluding participation interval IU kdu - head and the wall surface - Schlesinger ! ma in education harmful space (see below). Wet P. have use only. Chemical in the first period . War. All further enhanced chemical . attack , the introduction of chemical fire . ^ clothes, appearance - new OM protection to-ryh with wet P. became impossible prompted warring countries to seek more powerful protection , culminating in a dry P. ( respirator ) .

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    Просмотров: 1638 | Размеры: 800x673px/60.5Kb | Рейтинг: 1.0/8
    Дата: 01.Марта.2013 | Теги: фотословарь, противогаз
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